When you stop using a social networking profile or website it’s a good idea to deactivate or delete your account. Don’t forget to follow us and share this article.An updated version of this blog is available here. Check the Microsoft Docs page if you like to learn more about branding the organization’s Azure Active Directory sign-in page.ĭid you enjoy this article? You may also like Get Office 365 activity alerts when user signs in. Security-wise it’s good to turn off Office 365 stay signed in prompt setting. We talked about Office 365 disable stay signed in prompt. Keep reading: Restrict access to Azure AD administration portal » Conclusion Another way is to test in a private window.ĭid it help you to disable the Office 365 stay signed in prompt? Remember to clear the cache of the browser if there are sign in issues. You have to sign in every time from now on. Test it out by closing the browser and starting the browser. The users will not get the prompt to stay signed in Office 365 after entering their credentials. Scroll to the bottom to find the setting S how option to remain signed in. If you don’t see a configuration, you need to create one. Click the menu in the top left corner.Ĭlick in the menu on Azure Active Directory.Ĭlick Company branding and click the configuration.
Sign in to the Azure portal using a Global administrator account for the directory. After entering the credentials, the users get a prompt: Stay signed in? Do this to reduce the number of times you are asked to sign in. Users are signing in to the Office 365 portal. Closing a browser is not the same as signing out. If they don’t have many options and have to sign in, use the Sign Out button when done working. Important: Warn the users in the organization for not using a shared computer if accessing the Office portal. What if it’s a public computer? That means another random person got access to your confidential emails, documents, and more. When closing the browser and opening the Office 365 portal, you are still signed in without entering the credentials. Most of the users close the browser, and they quit. When finished working, the user did not click the sign out button. Why is this a security risk? For example, the user signs in to Office 365 and clicks on Yes when the prompt is showing. Office 365 stay signed in prompt security risk Disable office 365 stay signed in prompt.Office 365 stay signed in prompt security risk.